As we enter the colder months of the year, it is important your home is ready for the drop in temperature.
That's why we wanted to share some information about a government scheme for eligible customers!
What is the Great British Insulation Scheme?
The Great British Insulation Scheme or GBIS for short is a government-funded initiative to help lower the costs of home insulation and in some cases, offer free insulation!
The scheme is being targeted towards those on the lowest income and to provide support to a wider group of households that live in the least energy efficient homes in the UK.
How does the scheme work?
There are two groups of eligibility which come as a 'General Group' and a 'Low-Income Group'. The two groups offer different levels of support to ensure those who qualify get the most out of the scheme as possible.
What is the eligibility criteria for the 'General Group'?
To qualify for the scheme as part of this group, the following must be true for your home:
- Your home must fall in the Council Tax Bands A-D in England, A-E in Scotland and A-E in Wales.
- Your home must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of D or below.
If you qualify under the 'General Group', you will receive an insulation upgrade. You may be required to contribute a certain amount (10% of the whole cost) towards the installation charges.
What is the eligibility criteria for the 'Low-Income Group'?
To qualify for the scheme as part of this group, the following must be true for your home:
-Must receive at least one of the following means tested benefits: Income-based Job Seekers Allowance, Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Universal credit, Housing Benefit, Pension Credit Savings Credit or Child Benefit.
- Your home must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of D or below.
If you qualify under the 'Low-Income Group', you will be eligible for lower cost or free insulation. You could also receive heating controls.
How can I find out my Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating?
It's certainly not one of those things we can recall off the top of our heads but there is a simple solution!
Click the link here to view your property's EPC rating. All you need to do is provide your postcode, then select your address from the list to find out your EPC rating.
Think you might be eligible?
If you think you qualify for the either group, you can apply using the link below: